It is our responsability
to be transparent, to communicate and
to lead by example

We consider it our responsibility to be transparent about the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects of our business, and so Qualitas Energy publicly, communicates and reports its strategy, and supports the global initiatives to which it adheres to, showing full alignment with ESG principles.

It is our
to be transparent,
to communicate and
to lead by example

We consider it our responsibility to be transparent about the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects of our business, and so Qualitas Energy publicly, communicates adn reports its strategy, and supports the global initiatives to which it adheres to, showing full alignment with ESG principles.

Check our latest ESG reports

How we operate

Carbon offsetting

Qualitas Energy is committed to decarbonization and strives to reduce its emissions through its operations and investments.


In 2020, Qualitas Energy was able to calculate and offset its office CO2 consumption and employee-related emissions, thus becoming a carbon neutral company. This continues to this day.


Our offices

Qualitas Energy promotes sustainable practices and inclusive attitudes in all its offices. We understand that our impact is not only in our investments, but also in our daily operations. We try to mitigate sustainability risks by recycling, purchasing sustainable food and beverages, and providing reusable water bottles for our employees.


In addition, to enhance the relationships and collaboration of our teams, we have launched a series of Q-Clubs, such as Q-Community and Q-Knowledge, which promote events and initiatives that foster knowledge sharing and the integration of our teams.


Diversity & inclusion

Qualitas Energy strongly believes that a more diverse and inclusive workplace will foster a better company culture and a more efficient work environment. We encourage our employees to share ideas and lead initiatives.


To support this, we have created Q-Diversity, a group led by employees for employees to help identify areas for improvement and create plans to address them.


Our impact values

1. Community

Qualitas Energy places extreme value on the wellbeing of its employees and cultivates an environment built on a strong and inclusive community.


2. Growth

Through our expertise in the sector and in operations and management, Qualitas Energy strives to maintain healthy growth whilst optimizing internal and external processes alongside ESG considerations.


3. Decarbonization

All of Qualitas Energy’s actions encompass the aim of transitioning to a renewables-based electricity system helping to decarbonise the planet and slow global warming.


4. Diversification

Having successfully managed assets across six countries and multiple strategies, Qualitas Energy is focused on continuing to find opportunities for future expansion into promising regions and technologies, in order to further facilitate the transition to a more sustainable society.


5. Circular economy

Qualitas Energy exists within a circular economy by using natural and unlimited resources as the basis for generating and selling electricity to society, thereby reducing carbon emissions. As new technologies emerge, Qualitas Energy will explore how to integrate asset circularity into its approach, deepening its commitment to this pillar.


Our investment process

Considering ESG factors involves making an assessment of the non-financial aspects of a company. For Qualitas Energy, ESG is about making environmental, social and governance concerns an integral part of the investment process through due diligence and post-investment monitoring.


Qualitas Energy strives to apply ESG factors at two levels: internally among its employees and management team, and externally in its investments. We believe this will result in the evaluation of ESG considerations at all levels, allowing us to allocate our capital responsibly. The assessment and management of ESG factors are formally integrated into Qualitas Energy’s investment decision-making.


View Qualitas Energy’s ESG Policy


Our memberships
Sustainability Disclosures

Q-Energy Private Equity SGEIC is subject to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector, (hereinafter the “SFDR”).

Qualitas Energy integrates sustainability risks into its investment decisions and in compliance with its transparency obligations towards its investors and other stakeholders, the detail on the policy of integrating these risks required by Article 3 of the SFDR is described in its ESG Policy.

Qualitas Energy has prepared the Remunerations Policy Statement which include information on the consistency of the remuneration system with the integration of sustainability risks, as required by Article 5 of the SFDR.

At product level, and for the platform Qualitas Energy V, Qualitas Energy takes into account the mandatory Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs) indicators, plus two voluntary indicators in its investment decisions, within the definition of Article 4.1. of the SFDR. These are not considered at management company (entity) level.

Please refer to Qualitas Energy’s SFDR statement for Information on financial products (namely, the Qualitas Energy V Investment Platform) with a sustainable investment objective here.

Qualitas Energy Fund V considers the ‘principal adverse impacts’ of investment decisions on sustainability factors at the product level. Our Principal Adverse Impact Statement can be found here.

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Change that matters

Internal SDGs

Beyond our commitment to integrating responsible practices within our investment process, we have equally selected a set of SDGs on an internal company level.

Qualitas Energy's mandate is to supply clean energy, optimizing assets to make them more efficient and reliable. We invest in supplying clean energy to third world nations through its carbon offset program.

Qualitas Energy is determined to maintain the participation of women, currently having 42% female representation in all its activities.

Qualitas Energy offers inclusive and sustainable job opportunities to more than 600 employees in Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Poland and Chile.

Qualitas Energy builds, operates, maintains and manages climate infrastructure that will provide clean energy for years to come.
It also has an energy management team that explores new technologies and innovative ways to use our energy to further decarbonize the planet.

Qualitas Energy helps develop sustainable cities by providing clean energy, not only through its investment program but also through its carbon offset program.

Qualitas Energy, by the nature of its business model, supports the concept of circularity and strives to continue with this concept in its daily activities both in the office and in its investments.

SDGs in our investment process

Qualitas Energy is committed to contributing through its investments to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seeking to have a positive impact on the society and future generations to come. We commit to using the SDGs as guiding principles in our investment strategy. In this regard, we have identified three primary and three secondary Sustainable Development Goals that are integrated throughout our investment process, please see these defined below:

Primary SDGs

Contribution to substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030.

Innovation focused on renewable energy trends, e.g., increased power plant productivity, storage, diversified technologies and ways of consuming energy.

Improve awareness and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation and impact reduction.

Secondary SDGs

Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including youth and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.

Take urgent and significant steps to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2024, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species.

Ensure that all our investments have sound compliance practices, contributing to a substantial reduction in corruption and bribery in all its forms.


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Power the change

Change that matters

Intern SDG´s

Beyond our commitment to integrating responsible practices within our investment process, we have equally selected a set of SDGs on an internal company level.

E WEB Goal 07
E WEB Goal 08
E WEB Goal 11
E WEB Goal 05
E WEB Goal 09
E WEB Goal 12

SDGs in our investment process

Qualitas Energy is committed to contributing through its investments to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seeking to have a positive impact on the society and future generations to come. We commit to using the SDGs as guiding principles in our investment strategy. In this regard, we have identified three primary and three secondary Sustainable Development Goals that are integrated throughout our investment process, please see these defined below:

Primary SDGs

E WEB Goal 07
E WEB Goal 13 1
E WEB Goal 09

Secondary SDGs

E WEB Goal 08
E WEB Goal 16 2
E WEB Goal 15 2

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